Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Father Start

Ok ok soo I guess, I'll post. The first image is one of the references that I'm using. Yes, its Charlton Heston...good guess. And Yes, I know the eyes are big so don't bother commenting about them because that's the way I want them! lol And its only just the first step in I haven't detailed it yet that will be posted next week. I guess I'll get back to doin' work.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekly Work

Here's what I got done this week... a couple of cabinets and such... all meshes are clean and are ready to go into zbrush for detail. but next week I'm going to focus on the stove and the top cabinets and maybe the tiles behind the bottom cabinets.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interior Work

The shots above are of the completed Island for the kitchen. Now that I have the style worked out it should be a breeze to create the cabinets in the kitchen... then i just have to add the filler objects like fruit,candles, plates and all that good stuff.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ok been a little too busy to post

Here is a couple snapshots of what I'm currently working on. I'm detailing the furniture in the living room...its wicked fun.... But anyways, I have concepts drawing and pre-layouts for the comic. I'll upload them later. For now that is all...later

btw I'm def not going to reach my milestone

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hi Everybody,

Got a couple things done. First of which is the house concept, I will scan and post soon. Secondly I have blocked out the shots I'm going to use to use. here they are....

  1. Large Man holding Door that leads to blackness (outside) straight hallway
  2. Father carrying son rush through door
  3. Bolts Door
  4. Father puts son down(in foreground) Large Man Runs down hall hand motioning to follow (Guards at door) see basement door in background
  5. Father grabs sons hand starts to following
  6. Run past room with little girl over the shoulder
  7. Lets go of fathers hand
  8. Girls perceptive of boy
  9. Boys perceptive of girl
  10. Close up on his eyes….ignite
  11. Close up on her eyes...ignite
  12. Father grabs sons hand, pulls Son breaks gaze
  13. Large man runs down in basement
  14. Large man in basement, Father and Son coming down stairs
  15. Large man reaching for hammer
  16. Large Man in stride hitting the wall
  17. Low angle of gapping hole with rubble with feet in, front beam of light at end
  18. Father picks up son looking at large man
  19. Large man nod
  20. Father through hole
  21. Large man hammers the wall shut
  22. Large man running back up stairs, Father carrying son towards light
  23. Father carrying son out of tunnel
  24. Landscape
  25. Puts son down, sons scarf blowing
  26. Son takes fathers hand
  27. Father faintly smiles
  28. Takes timid step
  29. Close up son dropping hand
  30. Father falling
  31. Fathers face, Eyes gray
  32. Fathers arms out stretched from back
  33. Sons eyes (still glowing)

These 33 static images will compose the story. I'm going draw the thumb nails this week and lay them out into the rough page format.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Milestone #1- October 16
Thumbnails of Frames
Page Design
Environment Designs

Milestone #2- End of First Semester
Textured & Lit
Character Designs
Large Man

Character Models (2)
Large Man


Milestone #3- One Month into Second Semester
Character Models (2)

Character Textures
Milestone #4- Mid Semester
Character Poses
Scene Renders
Milestone #5- Final
Page Flip

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pitch and Such


The dramatic ending to the introduction to the story of Eyes of Freedom which, is centered around the first meeting of the two main characters. Included in the story are 4 photo-realistic characters and 3 environments. The project will be published as an online flash comic.

  1. How long will the piece be and/or what is the physical scope

The dramatic ending to the introduction to the story of Eyes of Freedom

  1. Final delivery method (web page, prints, video)

Flash Website that will have actual pages that can be flipped, designed comic pages

  1. Is it comedy, drama, action, a combination?

Emotional Drama

  1. What will it look like? (e.g. photo-real, exaggerated realism, toon rendered)

As close to Photo-real using low poly techniques

  1. (proposed) Title

Eyes Of Freedom

  1. What are the elements (e.g. characters, scenes, props)

4 Characters (Father, Son, Large Man, Girl), Interior of House, Basement (includes Tunnel), Exterior

  1. Content? Story, scenario(s), etc.

Eyes of Freedom Script

Here is the actual script that I will be using….


They get inside and the Man quickly closes and bolts the door. The Man hurries them towards a basement door. (Guards now at the door)

They pass a room where there is a LITTLE GIRL. Girl stand and watch in shock.

The boy makes eye contact with the girl and both of their eyes ignite, his emerald green, hers ocean blue (slow).

Father has to pull the boy along to break the gaze. They continue to follow the Man through the basement door down the steps.


In stride the man takes pulls a huge hammer that he had strapped to his back and shatters a brick wall which exposes a hole. Man motions them to go though, hear the door upstairs explode and the screams of the girl.

Father, who seems to be deteriorating, picks up his son with his one good arm, runs through the hole. Man slams the hammer above the hole and it collapses.

Man turns to run upstairs. Father turns in toward the small light at the end of the tunnel.


Father, looking haggard, carrying son exits the tunnel walks to the edge of the large hill, which the city is located on, where the wind is howling and places his son on the ground. Son immediately grabs this father’s hand father gives his a genuine but faint smile.

Both look out at the snowcapped mountains then at each other and the son takes a timid step forward, his red scarf blowing in the wind. Father falls to his knees, arms outstretched.


I cut it down and revised it a bit to remove the Guards and Mother to lighten the work load

An example of the flash format that I’ll be doing…

I’ll be designing the layout of the comic to give it a dramatic edge but I can’t figure that stuff out until I get the shots laid out and such. I’ll have to look at existing comic books to get the feel that I’ll be going for, Jen do you have any in mind?

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ok...sooooo I talked in class about continuing Eyes of Freedom in the form of a comic strip. I decided to do this because my attachment to the story and its meaning and it can also be expanded to mean so much more... but anyways I broke down the script to start at the midpoint and it still has meaning will entice readers into reading on. The script that I may use is as followed...

Father rests his head against the brick of the building and closes his eyes and puts his one hand on his sword, which is over his shoulder, and with the other tells his son to yield again. He turns the corner and begins to pull out his sword.

The Son stands in the dark alley alone griping his scarf for strength, watching the large shadows of his father and a guard battling. He watches a shadow fall and waits… waits… then his father comes back around the corner.

Son runs at his father and wraps his arms around his leg and hides his face to hide his tears. Father, while in pain, rubs his sons back and holds him close with one arm; the other is dripping blood down his fingers falling on the ground.

A door opens down the alley and a LARGE MAN comes out and glances down both ways of the alley and sees them and waves to them to come. Father pats his son on the back and takes his hand and starts to walk to the door.

A Guard turns the corner of the other side of the alley and notices them and the body of the fallen guard. He motions to others to come and sprints down the alley.

Father in agonizing pain picks up his son with his one good arm and runs to the door large mans house.


They get inside and the Man quickly closes and bolts the door. The Man hurries them towards a basement door. (Guards now at the door)

They pass a room where there is a LITTLE GIRL is holding her MOTHERS’ hand. Girl and mother stand and watch in shock.

The boy makes eye contact with the girl and both of their eyes ignite, his emerald green, hers ocean blue (slow).

Father has to pull the boy along to break the gaze. They continue to follow the Man through the basement door down the steps.


In stride the man takes pulls a huge hammer that he had strapped to his back and shatters a brick wall which exposes a hole. Man motions them to go though, hear the door upstairs explode and the screams of the girl and the mother.

Father, who seems to be deteriorating, picks up his son with his one good arm, runs through the hole. Man slams the hammer above the hole and it collapses.

Man turns to run upstairs. Father turns in toward the small light at the end of the tunnel.


Father, looking haggard, carrying son exits the tunnel walks to the edge of the large hill, which the city is located on, where the wind is howling and places his son on the ground. Son immediately grabs this father’s hand father gives his a genuine but faint smile.

Both look out at the snowcapped mountains then at each other and the son takes a timid step forward, his red scarf blowing in the wind. Father falls to his knees, arms outstretched.


With this script there is a total of 5 characters...

  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Guard(reused)
  4. Large Man
  5. Girl
I would eliminate the MOTHER for time restrictions and have the girl standing alone.

Also, I would have a total of 4 locations....

  1. Alley
  2. Mans House
  3. Basement
  4. Exterior
What do you think? Is this too much?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Thesis Blog

Just set up the thesis blog... niceeeee. Anyways I've been thinking about either redoing the Eyes of Freedom Idea or just expanding upon it. The project will be in the form of a comic strip that will be based online. A cool example of what I'm going for is.... Be writing more soon... til then peace.