Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pitch and Such


The dramatic ending to the introduction to the story of Eyes of Freedom which, is centered around the first meeting of the two main characters. Included in the story are 4 photo-realistic characters and 3 environments. The project will be published as an online flash comic.

  1. How long will the piece be and/or what is the physical scope

The dramatic ending to the introduction to the story of Eyes of Freedom

  1. Final delivery method (web page, prints, video)

Flash Website that will have actual pages that can be flipped, designed comic pages

  1. Is it comedy, drama, action, a combination?

Emotional Drama

  1. What will it look like? (e.g. photo-real, exaggerated realism, toon rendered)

As close to Photo-real using low poly techniques

  1. (proposed) Title

Eyes Of Freedom

  1. What are the elements (e.g. characters, scenes, props)

4 Characters (Father, Son, Large Man, Girl), Interior of House, Basement (includes Tunnel), Exterior

  1. Content? Story, scenario(s), etc.

Eyes of Freedom Script

Here is the actual script that I will be using….


They get inside and the Man quickly closes and bolts the door. The Man hurries them towards a basement door. (Guards now at the door)

They pass a room where there is a LITTLE GIRL. Girl stand and watch in shock.

The boy makes eye contact with the girl and both of their eyes ignite, his emerald green, hers ocean blue (slow).

Father has to pull the boy along to break the gaze. They continue to follow the Man through the basement door down the steps.


In stride the man takes pulls a huge hammer that he had strapped to his back and shatters a brick wall which exposes a hole. Man motions them to go though, hear the door upstairs explode and the screams of the girl.

Father, who seems to be deteriorating, picks up his son with his one good arm, runs through the hole. Man slams the hammer above the hole and it collapses.

Man turns to run upstairs. Father turns in toward the small light at the end of the tunnel.


Father, looking haggard, carrying son exits the tunnel walks to the edge of the large hill, which the city is located on, where the wind is howling and places his son on the ground. Son immediately grabs this father’s hand father gives his a genuine but faint smile.

Both look out at the snowcapped mountains then at each other and the son takes a timid step forward, his red scarf blowing in the wind. Father falls to his knees, arms outstretched.


I cut it down and revised it a bit to remove the Guards and Mother to lighten the work load

An example of the flash format that I’ll be doing…


I’ll be designing the layout of the comic to give it a dramatic edge but I can’t figure that stuff out until I get the shots laid out and such. I’ll have to look at existing comic books to get the feel that I’ll be going for, Jen do you have any in mind?